The Spiral Wound Gasket
The Spiral Wound Gasket, developed by Flexitallic, remains essential for ensuring Leak Free Flanged Bolted Connections. Conducting compression and methane leakage performance tests is vital to guarantee that competent bolting contractors establish a reliable connection on the first attempt. Any need for rework or retightening can lead to significant safety, time, and cost challenges, potentially delaying projects and creating a backlog in maintenance.
A fundamental requirement for any gasket is its ability to recover under varying loads. The impacts of pressure and temperature variations, the temperature differential across the flange face, as well as flange rotation, bolt stress relaxation, and creep, necessitate a gasket that possesses sufficient flexibility and recovery to maintain a seal under fluctuating working conditions.
Being overly frugal during the procurement process may lead to expensive rework or containment failures. Ensure that you are confident in your purchasing choices, as not all Spiral Wound Gaskets are produced to the same standards.